This project leverages the IATA and ICAO Codes API to develop an interactive R Shiny web application. The app enables users to search, analyze, and visualize global airport and airline data. By integrating API-driven data retrieval with advanced data manipulation and visualization techniques, the project provides an intuitive platform for exploring global airport information, featuring dynamic charts and interactive visuals to enhance user experience.
Use the below API to be able to download the endpoints into your desired dataframe using Rapid API
# Function to get data from the API
get_airport_data <- function(query, api_key) {
url <- paste0("", query)
response <- GET(url, add_headers(
"X-RapidAPI-Key" = api_key,
"X-RapidAPI-Host" = ""
content <- content(response, as = "text")
data <- fromJSON(content, flatten = TRUE)
# Example: Fetching airports
api_key <- "YOUR_API_KEY"
airport_data <- get_airport_data("airports", api_key)
# Ploting time series object
title = "US Monthly Natural Gas Consumption",
Ytitle = "Billion Cubic Feet")
# Seasonal plot
ts_seasonal(USgas, type = "all")
# Heatmap plot
# ACF and PACF plots
ts_cor(USgas, lag.max = 60)
# Lags plot
ts_lags(USgas, lags = 1:12)
# Seasonal lags plot
ts_lags(USgas, lags = c(12, 24, 36, 48))
# Forecasting applications
# Setting training and testing partitions
USgas_s <- ts_split(ts.obj = USgas, sample.out = 12)
train <- USgas_s$train
test <- USgas_s$test
# Forecasting with auto.arima
md <- auto.arima(train)
fc <- forecast(md, h = 12)
# Plotting actual vs. fitted and forecasted
test_forecast(actual = USgas, forecast.obj = fc, test = test)
# Plotting the forecast
# Run horse race between multiple models
methods <- list(ets1 = list(method = "ets",
method_arg = list(opt.crit = "lik"),
notes = "ETS model with opt.crit = lik"),
ets2 = list(method = "ets",
method_arg = list(opt.crit = "amse"),
notes = "ETS model with opt.crit = amse"),
arima1 = list(method = "arima",
method_arg = list(order = c(2,1,0)),
notes = "ARIMA(2,1,0)"),
arima2 = list(method = "arima",
method_arg = list(order = c(2,1,2),
seasonal = list(order = c(1,1,1))),
notes = "SARIMA(2,1,2)(1,1,1)"),
hw = list(method = "HoltWinters",
method_arg = NULL,
notes = "HoltWinters Model"),
tslm = list(method = "tslm",
method_arg = list(formula = input ~ trend + season),
notes = "tslm model with trend and seasonal components"))
# Training the models with backtesting
md <- train_model(input = USgas,
methods = methods,
train_method = list(partitions = 6,
sample.out = 12,
space = 3),
horizon = 12,
error = "MAPE")
# A tibble: 6 x 7
model_id model notes avg_mape avg_rmse `avg_coverage_80%` `avg_coverage_95%`
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 arima2 arima SARIMA(2,1,2)(1,1,1) 0.0557 167. 0.583 0.806
2 hw HoltWinters HoltWinters Model 0.0563 163. 0.736 0.889
3 ets1 ets ETS model with opt.crit = lik 0.0611 172. 0.681 0.903
4 ets2 ets ETS model with opt.crit = amse 0.0666 186. 0.458 0.833
5 tslm tslm tslm model with trend and seasonal components 0.0767 220. 0.417 0.667
6 arima1 arima ARIMA(2,1,0) 0.188 598. 0.875 0.958
# Plot the performance of the different models on the testing partitions
# Holt-Winters tunning parameters with grid search
hw_grid <- ts_grid(USgas,
model = "HoltWinters",
periods = 6,
window_space = 6,
window_test = 12,
hyper_params = list(alpha = seq(0,1,0.1),
beta = seq(0,1,0.1),
gamma = seq(0,1,0.1)))
plot_grid(hw_grid, type = "3D")